Combined Coupons
Combined Coupons Widget
This widget displays multiple coupons in a combined layout.
- Minimum height setting
- Repeatable coupon controllers to add multiple coupons
- Coupon configuration options:
- Image
- Mobile image
- Title
- Coupon code
- Link
- Coupon type
- Layout style
- Style controllers
Repeatable Coupon Controllers
For each coupon you can configure:
- Image - Coupon image
- Enable mobile image - Different image for mobile
- Title - Coupon title
- Coupon - Coupon code/text
- Link - Link for coupon
- Coupon Type - Percent, fixed amount, etc
- Layout Style - Visual style of coupon
- Style controllers - Colors, spacing, etc
This widget allows displaying multiple coupons together. Add coupons using the repeatable controllers and customize each with images, text, links and visual style.
The minimum height setting keeps a consistent widget size. Configure each coupon from the individual controllers.