Product Categories
Product Categories
This widget displays product categories in different layouts.
- Heading
- 5 layout options:
- Horizontal Slider
- Vertical
- Trendy
- Newest
- Category Product
- Configuration:
- Image type
- Order by
- Order
- Hide empty categories
- Slider loop
- Hide child categories
- Show special categories
Layout Options
Choose from 5 different category layouts:
- Horizontal Slider
- Vertical
- Trendy
- Newest
- Category Product
- Image Type - Circle and Sqare
- Order By - Sort order
- Order - Ascending/descending
- Hide Empty Categories - Toggle visibility
- Slider Loop - Enable looping
- Hide Child Categories - Toggle visibility
- Show Special Categories - Highlight categories
This widget displays product categories in various layouts.
Pick a layout and use the configuration options to control which and how categories are displayed.
The layout choices and category filters provide flexibility in showcasing categories.
Frontend Preview (Horizontal Slider)
Content and Style Controls (Horizontal Slider)
Frontend Preview (Vertical)
Content and Style Controls (Vertical)
Frontend Preview (Trendy)
Content and Style Controls (Trendy)
Frontend Preview (Newest)
Content and Style Controls (Newest)
WooCommerce plugin is required for this Layout to work properly.
Frontend Preview (Category Product)
Content and Style Controls (Category Product)