Coupon Slider
Coupon Slider
This widget displays multiple coupons in a combined layout.
- Coupon layout options
- Hide navigation toggle
- Banner height setting
- Repeatable coupon controllers
- Coupon sub-controllers
- Dynamic style controllers
- Coupon Layout - Choose layout format
- Hide Navigation - Option to hide navigation arrows
- Banner Height - Set banner height
Repeatable Coupon Controllers
For each coupon you can configure:
- Coupon image
- Coupon title
- Coupon text
- Coupon link
- Expiry date
Additional options for each coupon:
- Background color
- Text color
- Spacing
- Typography
- Margin and Padding
This widget allows displaying multiple coupons in a combined layout with navigation arrows.
Add coupons with the repeatable controllers. Use the sub-controllers to customize each coupon's colors, fonts, and spacing.
Hide the navigation arrows and set a fixed banner height if desired.
Frontend Preview (Layout 1)
Content and Style Controls